Day 14 & 15: 26th and 27th January Goodbye Koh Tao, Hello Koh Phangan

Thursday morning was still quite stormy but that did not stop us from going down to the beach. Gerry definitely wasn’t going diving as the sea was still too rough.
Down at the beach, there were a number of swimmers who braved the waves and started jumping from the big boulder in the sea. A great past time for them but also for us!
Actually there is a rope dangling from the top of the boulder which makes it easy for the swimmers to climb one end and jump off the other!

When I shared the pictures below with my son and told him how we enjoyed watching the swimmers jumping off this boulder, he came back with the answer that he was at the same place 10 years ago and had jumped off that rock too!!!

After a late lunch, we were back in our cottage to start our packing routine – we had some laundry done here so we’re moving to our next destination with clean clothes. I’m getting to be an expert in efficient packing resulting in two big bags, one small rucksack for me and Gerry having his Apnea machine which he needs for his night breathing.

We both showered and by 6.30 pm we were down to the main area for dinner! I must say the staff here are so well mannered and helpful but again Gerry tips them generously – we were told that the tips went into one pot which end of the week was shared equally – very democratic!!

Our last dinner at Montalay beach resort – we spent some lovely days here!

Gerry had a spicy vegetable dish with steamed rice while I had spicy noodles with shrimps and vegetables. As usual we had a great meal but as usual we missed our cocktails here and no vanilla ice cream for Gerry!

We settled our bill for our meals and drinks outside our breakfast and it came down to €160,00 including Gerry’s diving refresher training. Montalay is a family run resort with even grannie doing the accounting and keeping control of the staff!!

Tomorrow after an early breakfast we will be getting the shuttle down to the ferry – it’s goodbye to this lovely place!

Friday, 27th January

Our alarm went off at 7 am and of course as always, I’m the first one to get out of bed! I got some water boiling for a coffee so that Gerry could have that with his first cigarette of the day – everything was packed the night before and all we needed to add were our toiletries! By 7.45 I was down at the reception area to ask that someone would collect our luggage from our cottage and take it to the shuttle van. I was one of the first ones at breakfast so choice enough for a table! Gerry joined later and as soon as one of the staff saw him coming they quickly got his coffee and orange juice! By 8.15 we were ready to head to the ferry – our luggage was already loaded onto the pick up truck and we waited a few more minutes for other guests who were leaving with us.

Breakfast buffet to be enjoyed by the guests and our luggage stacked on the pick up van.

Our last trip to the harbour went off smoothly – within 10 minutes we weee on the quayside and the driver picked up our luggage and headed towards the check-in. Here it was swarming with passengers – a catamaran ferry boat had just arrived and passengers were descending and grabbing their luggage which was waiting for them on the pier. Other passengers like me were checking in and exchanging their voucher for their ticket and shirt sticker displaying where they are heading to.
There were all sorts of passengers – locals and foreigners – with all sorts of luggage and carrying children either in baby sling carriers or backpacks and in buggies. Fingers crossed we all got on the right ferry!!

Luggage labeled according to the sticker handed out with the ticket

Sticker used for Koh Phangan and passengers waiting to board the ferry while the longboats lie idly next to the pier

When we were finally underway, it took us just over an hour to reach Koh Phangan and once we retrieved our luggage and walked down the pier, we were met by our pick up who would be taking us to our next resort for the coming 5 days – Havana Beach Resort

Our pick up from Havana Resort advertising my name!

We had to wait for another couple with a young child and then we were off driving a 40 minute ride through the mountains. The ferry is on the west side of the island and our resort is on the east side so we had to go through the mountains to get there. From the map below you will see Thong Nai Pan Nou Beach – this is where Havana Beach Resort is located

Once we arrived at the resort, we were welcomed by a Dutch young lady, Leonie, who’s been working here for the past two years. She showed us to our room which is at the top of the hill meaning a great view of the bay but also walking up and down the hill to the beach and restaurants!!

So sweet to be welcomed with flowers on the bed – spacious room and terrace with a good view!

Once we had organised ourselves it was time to explore the beach – and have a spot of lunch!

Just as we had reached the restaurant we bumped into the Dutch couple ( who live on Ibiza) and actually were not surprised to see them as they too are doing the islands! It’s a small world!

Views of the wide shallow bay with fine white sand!

Of course we had to have a swim – in the lukewarm shallow sea! It was paradise! And then lunch with some cocktails – what is life good!!!

Stir fry for Gerry and papaya salad with shrimps for me ( I have to stop eating shrimps)

Sea, ice cream and selfies

We had a lovely easy going afternoon – I walked along the beach which was just marvellous and took some more pictures – we’re going to enjoy this place for sure!

After the beach it was time to relax in our room, shower and enjoy our terrace till it was dinner time! It was cocktail time for us before we were ready to enjoy a barbecue on the beach

Various fish to be bbq’ed – Gerry took red snapper and I took tuna

By the time we finished our meal we had still some energy over to take a stroll at the other end of the beach before we had our strenuous climb up the hill to our room!

and we made it without any problems! We sat for a while on our terrace and chatted with our Dutch neighbours before we called it a night!

Good night all from our first day in Koh Phangan !

Author: Liliana

Retired banker now spending time travelling the world with my soulmate, Gerry. Early retirement due to the fact that the bank I worked for changed their direction from global to local and hence my expertise was not needed any longer - now using my passion and energy in discovering the world after I have worked enthusiastically for so many years, brought up my daughter and son and now still have good health to enjoy my new experiences.

2 thoughts on “Day 14 & 15: 26th and 27th January Goodbye Koh Tao, Hello Koh Phangan”

  1. Wat hebben jullie het zwaar…. Tjong jonge jonge.
    Dit noem ik een echte vakantie. Wat een mooie stranden, heerlijke maaltijden en alles easy zonder haast(zoals bij Djoser en de rest).
    De mooie foto’s brengen mij terug in de tijd en krijgen wij ook zin om misschien weer zover te reizen.
    Geniet verdervan deze fantastische reis.

    1. Hi Aviva & Tom, tja er is zoveel te zien en doen maar ook nemen wij de tijd om te relaxen – ik heb Riksja’s bouwstenen gebruikt om deze reis samen te stellen en ben ik echt tevreden!
      Leuk dat jullie ook mijn blog leuk vinden en tot inspiratie brengt om weer een verre reis te plannen!
      Groetjes van ons allebei
      Liliana en Get

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