Flight from Amsterdam to Singapore

Our trip started off well!  No traffic jams from Krimpen to Schiphol – Rick (Gerry’s grandson)travelled with us and  took the car back. Dropped off our luggage at KLM desk and made our way to the Plaza to meet up with Martijn and Tessa (my son and his girlfriend) who were seeing us off. A slight change – there was some shooting going on at the Plaza –  Starbucks – we could not go downstairs as everyone was rushing upstairs. After about a twenty minute commotion, we got downstairs and met up with my children – there was a lot of tweeting going – a guy got angry because his coffee wasn’t done properly and started brandishing a knife, threathening the people around him; police took over and shot at him.

Anyway , we did meet up with Tessa and Martijn and then left to proceed to our gate. Flight to Kuala Lumpur went off fine with a few turbulences. Normally I can sleep really well but because I have a bad cough was constantly awake and getting out of my seat to walk towards the pantry so that I would not disturb the rest of the passengers with my cough. 

We changed flights at Kuala Lumpur , however when we were at the gate to get on the Singapore flight Gerry noticed that we didn’t have our camera with us. So he raced back to the previous gate and got the security officer to go back on the plane to get our camera. I also noticed that our goody bag from Schiphol loaded with 4 tin boxes filled with Speculaas was was also left behind……… Anyway Gerry was my hero!! He did manage to get my camera back again and all in time to board the plane for Singapore. 

Our chauffeur was patiently waiting for us at Singapore Changi Airport and after Gerry had his first cigarette since leaving Amsterdam we drove to our hotel. The local time was 19.30  – while being extremely tired we did not crash into our bed but after freshening up and changing our clothes went out to stroll around the area. We found a food market where all the locals were happily munching and slurping away at their noodles, fish and vegetables. It all looked appetising so we decided to have dinner here – and it was great!. 

Back to the hotel where we crashed out till the following morning!

Author: Liliana

Retired banker now spending time travelling the world with my soulmate, Gerry. Early retirement due to the fact that the bank I worked for changed their direction from global to local and hence my expertise was not needed any longer - now using my passion and energy in discovering the world after I have worked enthusiastically for so many years, brought up my daughter and son and now still have good health to enjoy my new experiences.